About Us
Robert L. Nightingale, CPC, Managing Principle, has 30 + years of experience recruiting Sales & Sales Management Professionals, for the Printing, Packaging,
Direct Marketing and Fund Raising / NonProfit Industires – Nationwide - to include:
20 + years as the President of Nightingale Personnel Consultants and Nightingale Interim Staffing.
While with Nightingale Personnel Consultants and before merging with Roblor & Associates, Inc. in 1994, Bob was the past Vice President and Ethics Committee Chairman for APCNY, Association of Personnel Consultants of Central NY. He is a past member of NPA, National Personnel Association, NPC, National Personnel Consultants and co-developer of Sales Net, a nationwide network of independent sales and marketing recruitment professionals.
Lorie Nightingale has 20 + years of experience in the Search Industry, 14 of those years in the Direct Marketing Industry. Prior to becoming Co-Owner of Roblor & Associates, Inc., Lorie worked in the automotive Industry, as VP of the Customer Relations Department of a large multiple dealership.
We also have a support staff of researchers and recruiting assistants.
Personal Tidbits:
Bob and Lorie live in the beautiful Finger Lakes, the Wine Country Region of Upstate New York. They enjoy family, golfing, skiing and ballroom dancing. They are soon to be Certified as Ballroom Dance Instructors and will be teaching part-time. Also, Bob is a Certified PGTAA Master Golf Instructor.